About Us
The Benton Economic Partnership, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit economic development organization located in Foley, Minnesota. Our organization is committed to encouraging and leading economic development efforts throughout Benton County. We are committed to business retention and expansion, downtown redevelopment, workforce development, marketing the county, and quality of life initiatives. We wish to thank our member investors for their support during our first year of operation. We have had tremendous success getting things going and have already had a significant impact on our county. We need your continued support to keep it going.
Now is the time to take ACTION.
We have joined with other community leaders in Benton County to harness our collective resources, energy and passion to make Benton County an even better place. We have created an economic development organization for the entire County, one that taps into the strengths of our business community. We need your financial support to sustain this organization. Join us in a partnership with your fellow Benton County businesses, cities, townships and the County to bring this organization to life and keep it viable over the long-term.