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EDAM 2024 Project of the Year Award - 539 Building
Posted: January 31, 2024
Category: Business
Kevin and Julie Johnson, owners of the 539 Building (539 Properties, LLC), had a vision back in 2018 to revitalize the east end of St. Cloud by purchasing and renovating the former International Harvester building. This beautiful, historic brick building dates back to 1928.
This project aligns with Mayor Kleis' recently announced goal to revitalize downtown St. Cloud. The project was identified as a catalyst site in the city’s East End Vision Small Area Plan in 2019. This particular renovation on the city's east end, triggered other developers to purchase a handful of properties along East St. Germain Street in the past year.
The renovation was to prepare for two very unique businesses, Iron Street Distillery, LLC and Harvester Square. These businesses have certainly added gritty character and charm to the east end of St. Cloud.
The project involved significant collaboration with the City of St. Cloud, Benton Economic Partnership, Inc., Benton County, and the Initiative Foundation. The recent renovation of the 539 Building has driven positive economic impact and single-handedly changed the trajectory of St. Cloud’s economically distressed east end, which now has planned housing, retail, and other projects, earning them the Project of The Year Award from the Economic Development Association of Minnesota.