Benton County Economic Partnership is accepting applications for an Executive Director
1 Jul 2020
This position is not a local government position. Employees of the Benton County Economic Partnership, Inc. are not an employee of Benton County.
*** Open Until Filled ***
Application Review Begins 8/01
Position Overview:
The Benton Economic Partnership is a 501(c)(3) organization created in 2016 to lead economic development efforts throughout Benton County. Its membership includes businesses, Chambers of Commerce, Cities, Townships and Benton County. The Executive Director reports to the Chair of the Benton Economic Partnership, Inc. The Executive Director will lead the Board of Directors through the creation of short-range and long-range plans that will guide the work of the Partnership. The Executive Director will be a hands-on economic development professional who will carry out the direction of the Board of Directors to the benefit of all businesses, cities and townships in Benton County
This is a position employed by the Benton Economic Partnership. More about the organization may be found at:
Detailed Position Functions:
Planning and Marketing
- Develop and administer a marketing plan that will highlight the assets of Benton County
- Continue with the long-term strategic plan with the Board of Directors, Partnership members and other stakeholders that will guide the annual work for the Partnership
- Create and update content on the BEP website, including current listings of available land and buildings
Business Retention and Expansion:
- Develop and administer a program to retain and expand Benton County businesses
- Serve as a business advocate to help business owners navigate regulatory processes connected with retention/expansion efforts
- Connect Benton County businesses with resources available from state agencies or other business-assistance organizations
- Continue to serve as an agent of the Small Business Development Center
Business Finance and Assistance
- Administer a Partnership revolving loan fund; market the availability of funds; assist applicants; create opportunities to grow the loan fund
- Present recommendations for Tax Increment Financing or Tax Abatement to City or County Economic Development Authorities for consideration; facilitate the authorization of incentive packages
- Assist all Benton County cities, townships and the County with annual updates to the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategies (CEDS);
- Prepares grant proposals and applications, contracts and other necessary documents as may be required for the Partnership or on behalf of cities, townships or businesses;
- Advise businesses on available financing sources
- Retain current Partnership members; recruit new members
- Prepare billing statements for annual membership contributions
- Schedule and support Partnership Board meetings
- Schedule and arrange speakers for quarterly membership meetings along with membership’s annual meeting
- Obtain sponsorships for quarterly meetings/annual meeting
- Prepare and manage the organization’s annual budget
- Prepare monthly financial status reports for the Board of Directors; prepare summary annual financial reports for the full membership
- Present updates to the full Partnership membership and to individual business/organization members as requested
- Continue professional development through memberships in economic development associations (Economic Development Association of Minnesota or the Minnesota Association of Professional County Economic Developers, for example)
- Submit a weekly activity report to the Board Chair
- Calendar share with Executive Board via Outlook
- Perform other duties as assigned.
Minimum Qualifications
- Preference to those candidates possessing a bachelor’s degree (or higher) or at least five (5) years of full-time, relevant work experience in the area(s) of Community Development (Planning), Marketing, Business, Economics or related field.
- In addition, qualified candidates must demonstrate a least five years of relevant experience in either economic development, marketing, business finance or a related field.
- Preference given to candidates who have demonstrated the ability to work cooperatively within a diverse organization, build relationships among a wide range of partners and work independently at various times during and outside standard business hours.
Salary and Benefits Package
- Salary will be base salary plus incentives and will be negotiable depending upon qualifications, education & experience.
- The Partnership expects to offer a salary that will be competitive among similar organizations in Minnesota. Other aspects of an overall benefits package are negotiable.
- The Partnership wishes to provide an Executive Director with flexibility in selecting various benefits and plans to offer a lump sum annual contribution for use at the discretion of the Executive Director.
Application Process:
- Interested applicants should submit the required documents in PDF files or printed copies via email or regular mail to:
- Benton Economic Partnership: Att’n: Selection Committee
- Email is
- Regular mail is 183 Cedar Dr, Foley MN 56329.
- Benton Economic Partnership: Att’n: Selection Committee
- All applicants should send the following, & only the following documents initially to be considered:
- Letter of application
- Current professional resume
- Three professional references related to the applicant’s professional experiences
- References will be contacted only for finalists selected.
- Application Deadline – Must be post marked or received via email by July 31, 2020
Review of applications:
- Review of applications will begin on or after August 1, 2020.
- All applicants will be notified re: the status of their materials after they are received. Applicants of interest will be notified of next steps via email or phone.
- The position will remain open until filled.
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