Remote work can be stressful. Here's how employers can support those who work from home
12 Jul 2021
Mental health and employee wellness are at the heart of a strong, engaged workplace. But today’s workers are under increasing levels of stress. And remote workers aren’t immune. While remote work has many advantages, it can create opportunities for extra stress.
Remote workers are working longer hours and spending more time in meetings.
According to a survey by TELUS International, four out of five remote workers find it hard to “shut off” in the evenings and 45% said they feel less healthy mentally working from home. And without in-person interactions and socialization with coworkers, remote work can be especially isolating.
In other words, remote workers are stressed. And that’s bad for your employees and bad for business.
Use the following tips to improve remote worker well-being and help your team better balance work and family life while working from home.
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