7 Reasons Your Community Needs A New Strategic Plan To Grow
25 Oct 2021
If there is one thing economic developers have in common, it’s a strategic plan to grow. Experience has taught them that taking a measured, proactive approach is a cornerstone to success. Have you put off creating a new strategic plan?
Here Are Seven Reasons To Make Creating A Strategic Plan Your Priority
1.) A Strategic Plan Brings Community Partners Together.
According to LISA HURLEY, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF YORK COUNTY DEVELOPMENT IN NEBRASKA, good communication and solid collaboration between government agencies and nonprofits is essential when it comes to tackling issues. "We can't solve every issue by ourselves. It takes collaboration,” she says. Hurley goes on to stress the importance of updating the strategic plan annually, and making sure that it’s carefully aligned with the community’s marketing plan, content strategy, and calendar. Knowing that a strategic plan can only provide value if it’s utilized, her team meets on a regular basis to review their plan and discuss their progress.
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