RMCEP’s Restoring Connections Grant Program: A Fresh Start for Justice-Involved Individuals

24 Jul 2023


Rural Minnesota CEP (RMCEP) has introduced a competitive grant program, “Restoring Connections,” which will help justice-involved MN residents rejoin the workforce. Through programming and training services, RMCEP will create opportunities for participants to secure employment and support regional industries. 

RMCEP will serve 38 participants through the program. The program’s eligibility requirements assure that resources are provided to applicants who are at a crucial point in their workforce re-entry process. To be eligible for the grant program, applicants must be a Minnesota resident; have not worked or been employed for 15 weeks throughout the last year; and be within six months of release or have been released in the previous six months from specified correctional facilities in Minnesota. By enforcing these eligibility guidelines, RMCEP will assist justice-involved individuals at a pivotal point in their careers. 

Read the complete article here.