Job Quality: LMI Tools for Employers
6 May 2024
What starting wages compensate your employees fairly? Where are new sources for recruiting job seekers? Is your retention rate as high as you want it to be? What other questions have you asked yourself when developing a recruiting strategy?
To encourage businesses to become more competitive while ensuring workers achieve economic stability, the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) recommends incorporating job quality mile markers into their business practices. These steps are based on the U.S. Department of Labor’s 8 Good Jobs Principles for retaining employees and increasing access to good-paying jobs.
Monitoring job quality indicators requires data and DEED’s Labor Market Information team has helpful tools ready to support all Minnesota employers with the information they need. In this two-part series, we demonstrate how to apply Minnesota’s available labor market tools and reports to two of the Good Jobs principles. Let’s start with recruitment and hiring.
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